Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy in Kingwood, TX

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Our experienced dental team at Chris E. Perkins, DDS & Associates, located at 611 Rockmead Dr, Suite 400 Kingwood, TX 77339, provides comfortable and effective root canal therapy. If you are experiencing tooth pain that is caused by an infected or damaged tooth pulp, it might be time to have a root canal. This treatment is deemed necessary by our dental professionals in Houston, TX when the tooth pulp has become inflamed or infected due to decay, repeated dental operations on the same tooth, cracks or chips in the tooth, or trauma to the face. As dentists in Kingwood, TX, we know how debilitating tooth pain can be. That is why we are here and provide the necessary solutions to your tooth pain.

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The Signs That You Need Root Canal Therapy

Although you may not know whether you need root canal therapy in Kingwood, TX until you visit our dental professionals, there are still some warning signs you can look out for that might indicate tooth pulp damage. It is important that you visit our office if you are experiencing any of these symptoms because an untreated infected tooth can lead to an abscess or the spread of infection. The sooner we see you, the sooner we can evaluate the tooth and treat it effectively.

Signs & Symptoms Indicating You Might Need a Root Canal in Kingwood / Houston, TX

  • Persistent toothache and pain
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Swelling or tenderness in the gums near the affected tooth
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • A recurring pimple on the gums
root canal in kingwood tx

Root Canal Therapy Procedure

Root canal therapy is often misunderstood, but it's a crucial procedure that can save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted. At our Kingwood Houston, TX dental office, we look to ensure that your root canal treatment is as efficient, pain-free, and effective as possible. We believe in not just treating the problem at hand, but also in educating and supporting our patients throughout their dental journey.

  1. Diagnosis and X-Ray: An initial examination and X-ray to determine the extent of the infection.
  2. Anesthesia: IV Sedation or Local anesthesia is administered to ensure a pain-free experience.
  3. Pulp Removal: Infected pulp is carefully removed from the tooth.
  4. Cleaning and Sealing: The tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.
  5. Restoration: A crown or filling is placed to restore the tooth's functionality and appearance.
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Kingwood Root Canal Dentist

Why Choose Us For Root Canal Therapy?

Chris E. Perkins, DDS & Associates provides expert root canal therapy in Kingwood, TX so that you can get the pain relief you deserve. We are a dental office that provides comprehensive dental services to the Kingwood Houston, Texas area. Our team of professionals will evaluate your tooth, identify the cause of the pain, and create a personalized treatment plan that will alleviate your pain quickly. We work hard so that our patients can feel comfortable during and after root canal treatment. If you are experiencing excessive tooth pain or any of the other signs that might indicate that you need root canal therapy, call our office as soon as possible. We don’t want our patients to remain in pain, so we will do our best to fit you in our schedule to be seen by a dentist as soon as possible.

Chris E Perkins, DDS

Root Canal Therapy in Kingwood, TX